Students’ Benefit Utilizing PROpenMic

   PROpenMic’s demographic is  public relation students, faculty, and practitioners where all can take part through various applications such as blog list, forums, upload/post videos, and add photos. Once someone becomes a member, that person can update their statuses, add music application, and invite their friends to become members. What is so unique about this site is that it allows its members to engage in various ways than just blogging or adding photos. However, I believe that this site is similar Twitter and LinkedIn in the sense that this site is a potential networking site. In other words, it isn’t a place to not be professional.

I became a PROpenMic member  (LaurenHopkins) last year for a class requirement thinking to myself “great another site I have to keep up with in addition to my class projects.”). Last summer, PROpenMic came to my rescue by having the  intern-search that lists various public relation jobs along with the job description and location. For example, I am a member of the jobsinternships which was created by Robert French (@rdfrench). The purpose of the group is to see what jobs or internships are available and to send an internship/job seek request. This group is also automatically shared via Twitter so that members are able to view it in two different sites.

In addition to all the great applications this site offers, I was able to send Robert French a personal message with questions thinking I wasn’t going to get a response. However, I was in for a surprise when Mr. French responded to me in that same day.  Just by asking him questions without hesitating, I’m able to follow him on Twitter and he follows me in return. Thus, creating network connections and just by him following me, I have other professionals like him following me as well.  This site has benefited me so much that it was hard to list just a few benefits I have experienced utilizing PROpenMic and in using social websites in general.  With that being said, I can update my status on PROpenMic which will then be automatically generated on Twitter. Thus, participating one on social networking site can lead to other numerous connections on other sites such as Twitter.

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2 Responses to “Students’ Benefit Utilizing PROpenMic”

  1. Mackenzie Says:

    I have an an account on PR Open Mic for over a year now and never went on it until this assignment for class. I really realized how dumb I was for not using it! I agree with you it’s really cool all the things that a PR Student or Professional could get from using PR Open Mic. The Job/Intern section is something that seems to be the most beneficial to everyone! This section makes it really nice to look over what is out there and is a really cool advantage to those using PR Open Mic. I agree with you also, it’s similar to sites of twitter and facebook but the catch is PR Open Mic is for Public Relations people and it’s a way to show yourself in a more professional way. I also think PR Open Mic is a really great way to network yourself!

  2. Erica Steinmiller Says:

    For my Social Media class I participated in creating week-long campaign for PROpenMic. I’ve been a PR student for four years and had never heard of the site until a few weeks ago. I feel like students should be introduced to this site early on in their PR education so they could really be able to benefit from it.

    In developing the campaign, I came across your story and it really helped me get an idea of how PROpenMic can really help PR students like us. I passed on some of your helpful advice about the intern-search feature. I think this site has the potential to be a great resource for students and professionals alike.

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